Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 - SHE was here...

I'll warn you that this may be a lengthy posting. There is a year to recap and I am sure to leave out a few things but I hope to capture the highlights of the year that SHE was very much a part of.

This time last year I was saddened on New Years Eve at the thought of 2010 - a year in which Tyra would not be here. I knew that I would carry her in my heart forever and I believed that our family and friends would as well. What I did not envision was how many other places I would find her. So tonight I will happily admit how very wrong I was about Tyra not being a part of 2010.

She began the winter with a deluge of snowflakes.
Tyra sent many ANGEL KISSES my way in 2010. 
I'm  not complaining and neither were our friends the otters.
She sent me this rainbow on a day when I was in need of comfort. 
Given my brown thumb it could only be Tyra who was responsible for keeping this flower in bloom from Mother's Day through Thanksgiving. This last blossom hung on for weeks.

Tyra was with me as I cycled.

 I have great talks with Tyra during my rides. Tyra loved to go fast, she loved the rush of wind in her face. There are times she does provide a bit too much wind in my face and I beg for her to change direction and push me home. My requests are not always answered which I am learning is okay. It sometimes takes a struggle to remind us of the many things for which we ought to be GRATEFUL.

Tyra has shown up in some other special places too.
 She has been at duPont. Again, I did not doubt that she would remain in the hearts of the friends we made here but I was happy to learn she made a repeat appearance at Halloween this year.

Our PICU friends celebrated Tyra's birthday in February with DIVA cupcakes - Tiaras & all
Her ever kind doctor, Dr. R,  included Tyra when he spoke at the Remembrance service this Fall.

Of course I must not forget the DIVA bear that looks over our 3F friends. Notice the position - DIVA indeed. Tyra's bear often has her back turned, gracing them with her full beauty only for brief instances.
During a recent visit to 3F I was thrilled at the request (Thank-you Kim) to construct a Tiffany inspired ceiling tile to display alongside the other much loved patient tiles. 

     Let me depart for a moment from the visible signs of my sweet girl to share perhaps some of the most profound appearances. Twice in November, that would be November of this year - some 20 months after Tyra's death, I had virtual strangers ask about Tyra. I say strangers as I did not know either women by name nor had I spent great time in their company. I should tell you that I do not wear clothing emblazened with Tyra's photo so it was something else that drew these women to speak of her to me.   
     While having Tyra's nephew's picture taken at the mall a women, who herself was there with grandchildren in tow, said to me "Where is your little girl?" I was puzzled as I could not place this women. Sure, I've had people ask of Tyra's whereabouts before but it has always been someone I considered familiar. I inhaled and shared that Tyra had died. The women offered her sympathy and proceeded to turn to her daughter and go on at length about how what a joyful, beautiful child Tyra was. This women had gathered this from seeing Tyra during our trips to the Giant, from where she had retired many years before.  
     The second appearance happened at the outpatient lab of PRMC. I had taken a friend to get bloodwork completed when the phlebotomist said "I remember you bringing your daughter in". Again, I should tell you we were not frequent visitors to this lab and this tech was not someone I remembered at all. She went on adding "You used to say 'She doesn't need a sticker, she's going to get a new pair of shoes'."  It was definitely us that she remembered :-)

I'll end with Tyra's Christmas sightings. My room - aka the guest room at our dear friend Holly's was decked out for my recent visit.
Remember what I said about snowflakes?
Well, Holly did -  xoxoxo     
and this well, no words do this justice.

My heart was also filled when I noticed Tyra displayed front & center on my sister's Christmas tree.

Tyra's presence is evident throughout our home but this Christmas there were some extra appearances as well. When looking through a box of decorations (something I did not dare do last year) I came across our return address labels: Nicole & Tyra...
I almost stopped but then I came upon this
Thank goodness I recycle gift bags. I decided it deserved to be filled and came up with the perfect gift to me. If you knew Tyra and/or have followed this blog at all you know that Tyra was a true fashionista. Tyra began recieving bling at quite a young age. Santa was good to her over the years and rightly so, she surley topped his NICE list. Well, my girl was petite and as such required links to be taken out of her bracelets. 
 My gifts to me; having the links added back in and yes- You see them -  my first pair of real UGGs. Tyra had many but for me it had always been F-UGGs (fake UGGs). I think Tyra would be proud.

I leave you tonight with the following image as we travel into 2011 -
another year that she will certainly be a part of.  


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