Saturday, February 26, 2011

Giving birth...

It is true I did not carry Tyra in my womb, she was not born of me in the traditional sense. However, during a recent visit with a new client the mom made the most poignant observation. This mother was aware from her previous case manager that I too had a child with cerebral palsy. She asked about Tyra to which I proudly brought out photos. Photos... my most prized tangible possessions.

As she was looking through the pictures I shared a bit of our story. She became aware that Tyra was in fact not my birth child. Then she came upon this picture...

This is a favorite of mine from a super fun day at the Cherry Blossom Parade in DC. People often comment on our smiles and how genuinely joyful we are. This mom said something a bit different though, she said...

Oh, how this filled my heart then and continues to do so today. Today on the anniversary of Tyra's birth, her 19th year, I can proudly say I too played a role in giving birth...  to her SMILE

I am forever grateful to parent such an amazing spirit and I thank Tyra every day for the smiles she has brought to my life.


On this day 19 years ago...

Monday, February 14, 2011


“Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”

Friday, February 11, 2011

Quest for Healing...

Two years ago yesterday Tyra and I set off to AI duPont in hopes of finding some answers as to why she "just wasn't herself". I wrote about this last year  On the road...

This morning the quest for healing continues as I travel back to AI duPont to share a piece of our story with the Medical Residents during their full day conference on End of Life Care/Issues. I am honored to have this opportunity and have found duPont to be a place of healing in many ways. While the chapter to be shared today is not my favorite of Tyra's story it is powerful and worthy of retelling. It is through these experiences that her story continues.

Hers is a story without a The End...