Sunday, November 28, 2010


Originally posted - Sunday, November 29, 2009
 The first Advent candle lit today represents HOPE. I have found it defined as confident expectation, anticipation of a sure and certain future.
HOPE could be seen in Tyra's trusting eyes.

HOPE was expressed in Tyra's signature smile.

In writing on HOPE, Pope Benedict states "it is not that they know the details of what awaits them, but they know in general terms that their life will not end in emptiness". Tyra's life was full of HOPE & far from empty.
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I am unable to think of HOPE without also thinking of healing these days. Unsure which comes first. Is it HOPE that allows one to heal or is it the act of healing that allows one to again feel HOPE? Either way I am thankful for both. May your days too be filled with HOPE.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Journey continues...

and - "The Journey is the reward"


As I continue on this Journey I have decided that again this year during the season of Advent I will share on HOPE - PEACE - JOY & LOVE. Tyra's stories from last years postings will be repeated as they are  certainly worth repeating, along to which I will update on my own lessons from this years journey.  I continue to smile at the colors, purple & pink, with their own symbolism but so TOTALLY ^TYRA^.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful for...

This post could be neverending if I spoke of all the things, people, and moments for which I am THANKFUL. So instead of a novel, todays posting is an illustrated short story
I am so very THANKFUL for this Tyra original handprint Turkey which is proudly displayed in my kitchen year round.
Tyra had the sweetest, softest little hands around. They were however often kept fisted so getting the perfect handprint could be quite an undertaking.
(She would want you to know that these are youthful 'hand shots' pre-*BLING*)

I am THANKFUL for this fabulous greeting that welcomes me daily as I walk up to our home. 

I am THANKFUL for this lasting impression from Tyra's final day.

I am especially THANKFUL for the many years I had to hold her in my hands.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Random smiles...

The other morning while walking around the park (our path) this song came into my head. Along with the song came a smile. A smile so broad that an unknowing observer might have thought I was hallucinating. While Matthew Fox is 'easy on the eyes' it was the memory of Tyra and I twirling around the living room to this theme song once a week for six seasons that filled me with such happiness. As soon as the show would start I'd scoop Tyra up and we'd spin ourselves silly. Laughing, singing, smiling...
Oh the joy of being Closer to Free.