Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Some reference the Ups & Downs...

Mr. Matthews - make that Dave - sings about it in
'Funny the Way It Is' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2mFDTTWqOU

The spiritual path I follow speaks of Joys & Sorrows...

LIFE - so full... of this all

I was perhaps most struck by the Joys and Sorrows on March 6th of this year. On the night marking  the 3rd anniversary of Tyra's death I was planning the celebration of...
Princess Giana's 3rd Birthday.

Giana and her mom, Shelonda, have brought great JOY into recent months. They have both allowed me to reach into my 'Mom bag' and it has been wonderful.

Three years ago as I was filled with sorrow preparing to bury my child, Shelonda was preparing to greet this bundle of JOY. 
 "Funny the way it is when you think about it..."

Tonight, I too am reminded of the Joys & Sorrows. Tonight, at about this time, my sweet girl would be making her way across the stage during her High School graduation. I wrote about the sorrows of this year here  http://luvinty.blogspot.com/2011/08/back-to-school.html

Amidst the sorrow of today there is JOY to be found. JOY to be found inside Tyra's High School yearbook. JOY to be found in the countless number of friends that might have thought to have her remembered on these pages. JOY to be found in having a friend who did. JOY to be found in the friends who made it possible for me to have this treasure at my side as I type this entry. JOY to be found in Tyra's certain giggle as I searched the book to find this surprise.

JOY in her loving memory...