Saturday, April 10, 2010

Forever the TEACHER...

I've spent many days and nights over the past few weeks at the bedside of a very special friend while he struggles with some complex medical issues. Watching this amazing soul undergo procedures and testing with such pure trust and bravery I am reminded of my sweet girl. Both of them without words but with so much to say if only people take the time to listen. My job - my duty - my passion is to ensure that they are heard!

During this recent journey people at the hospital have said things  like "oh, you know just what to do" or "wow, you've got this down". I think to myself IF ONLY THEY KNEW. So yes, I am proficient at transfering someone from bed to stretcher with multiple tubes attached - and yes, I am well versed in the lingo and inpatient ways. Sure I learned these things during the many weeks Tyra spent at AI duPont. It made me so sad to think that this 'skill set' arose from her most difficult of times.

Then I thought and took comfort in the many other lessons of Tyra. She taught me how to advocate on a whole new level. At times I called myself her agent. It was not and is not just about making sure the proper care is provided but making sure the care is provided to the unique, valued person lying in the bed. She had has a name as does my friend. She had has a story as does my friend. She had has many people who love her as does my friend. Many times both during and after Tyra's hospitalization people would say "she taught me so much".

People have gotten to know my friend. They have come to care not just for him but about him.
I believe they HEAR him!

 Thank-you Tyra for continuing to teach. I am so grateful to have been your student.      

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