Sunday, March 21, 2010


On this first weekend of Spring my mind wanders to ballfields. In 1999, Tyra became one of the founding players on the Delmar Challengers Little League team - Thanks to Coach Dawn for bringing this to our area. A truly selfless undertaking given that she did not have a child playing on the team. Coach Dawn's family and friends often outnumbered the players that first season.
           How cool that Tyra's walker coordinated with the uniform.
 (No, we didn't plan it that way).  

 In this division each child is paired with a buddy. What great buddies Tyra had in Miss Soozie, Miss Kim, and several 'pinch hitters'. Her big sis Tisha joined us one summer as a buddy for Tyra's teammates. She was always Tyra's buddy off the fields so we agreed to share her during games.

In true Tyra form - she loved to fly around the bases the faster the better, especially if it meant rounding 3rd on 2 wheels. Also in true Tyra form emerged the DIVA. As much as she loved the DIAMOND my girl was not much for hanging in the outfield. The whole hot, dusty, sweaty thing was not very DIVA. She could often be seen in the outfield getting fanned by her buddy - yes DIVA. As the team grew so did the length of innings. It was great that so many kids were able to take part in this truly American past-time. Tyra retired her jersey after four seasons having made awesome friends and memories.

Here's to Spring training, Spring cleaning and dusting off some amazing memories.

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