Saturday, June 25, 2011


A coincidence is said to occur when ..."something uncanny, accidental and unexpected happens under conditions named, but not under a defined relationship."

I have been inundated lately with a number of occurrences.

On June 8th, I realized that June 6th had come and gone. What did that mean? Well, on the 6th of each month, except February 2010 when there was a snow induced state of emergency, I visit Tyra's grave site. I missed it, how did that happen? Instead of becoming guilty over this I recognized that my 'shift' in the focus on Tyra's life as opposed to her death was now evident in these visits too. The 6th is a single date - Tyra's life is an ongoing legacy. I did visit her site later in the month and the following day I received an email from one of our duPont friends describing Tyra's Diva Bear that hangs at the front of the unit
 "... is never turned around the right way, and whenever she does turn around, we know that she is there. She has been turned around for the past two weeks....she is always looking over 3F. She (and most definitely you too!!!) will never be forgotten."
                        COINCIDENCE??? I don't think so.

Last week I shared the following post with a new friend
This posting talks of the role our wonderful friend Hilje played in our lives. Hilje not only supported Tyra's quests to "Climb Hills"  she also assisted in Tyra's healing from orthopedic procedures and witnessed the healing of our family during some complex custody issues. Hilje was our last friend to visit with Tyra on this side of Heaven. She has moved out of state and we had not connected in many months. Two days after sharing this posting, Hilje called. We had an amazing talk and I was able to share of my own healing and the JOY that has been returning to my life.
COINCIDENCE??? I don't think so.

Today I attended a workshop on meditation and awakening. Being in the company of likeminded people is such a good feeling. Today those good feelings were multiplied. One of the exercises involved gathering in groups of 3 and sharing of a current relationship struggle. The first person in my group was a women who shared about a situation with her 20 year old physically disabled step-daughter. I was able to relate so clearly with her situation and she sought me out again later in the day. What are the chances that in a setting of over 100 people we would be sitting next to each other?
 COINCIDENCE??? I don't think so.

There was a profound listening exercise as well today in which you were to write on an index card a relationship experience that has deeply affected you. You then shared your writing with 5 people, one at a time, with the listener reflecting back to you a statement beginning "I imagine you felt..." I debated for a moment sharing of Tyra's death as I have never wanted anyone to imagine the death of a child. My heart lead me to the put the following on my index card
"My daughter, Tyra, lived joyfully for 17 years with Cerebral Palsy. Two years ago, after a brief period of illness, she died of an untreatable metabolic disorder".
More often than not the reflection noted that Tyra lived with JOY (yes, that is her message). Afterall, we are all going to die.

I pray for myself and those I love that we too can say we LIVED!

On my ride home I intended to walk the path along the Bay that Tyra and I so enjoyed together. As I crossed the bridge it appeared as though it might rain. I stopped anyway and proceeded to have a wonderful trek along our much loved path. This is what greeted me when I reached the end...
COINCIDENCE??? I don't think so.

I am so very grateful to be LIVING and LOVING this life.
I am beyond thankful for...
 eyes that can see and a heart that can hear.

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